It's Spring! The ideal time to tap into the energy of GROWTH and BLOOM 🌻

This Holy Fire® Healing Immersion is a series of uniquely powerful Healing Experiences.  

These personal healings re-ignite your individual flame 🔥 as your authentic self re- awakens.


What is a Healing Experience Like?

You attend from the comfort and privacy of your own home via Zoom.  I lead a guided meditation that includes a healing energy activation. You rest comfortably in a state of deep relaxation and return to the present feeling refreshed and reflective. You:

let go of what you need to let go of

understand what you need to understand

heal what you need to heal

receive what you need to receive.

These Healings are group experiences that are highly individual and completely private. 

As the series unfolds, the experiences deepen as you evolve in positive ways.

Each Healing has a unique focus. Powerful cleanses clear old stuck energy. Nourishing immersions in the energies of LOVE, ABUNDANCE, and PEACE nurture the spirit.  

Profound outcomes reported by past participants of this healing series are:

🔥 Happiness as a state of being, regardless of life's challenges and daily stressors.

🔥 An activation of your life purpose as you claim your unique gifts and talents - the things that light you up - and commit to sharing them brightly. 

🔥 An amplification of your personal gifts (if you are a healer, your sessions become more powerful)


What is Holy Fire® Reiki?

Holy Fire® is an important, new, relevant, development that is evolving Reiki as we know it. It is a modern system of Reiki that developed in response to the world we live in today, a world challenged by division and aggression; Holy Fire® Reiki fosters peace and unity.

The emphasis is on personal wholeness that ignites an active expression of the authentic self - just imagine it, individuals living lives of unique, individual purpose, shining brightly their personal spark of the divine (source/god/spirit) and recognizing and honoring this same energetic essence in others. That’s the underlying mission of Holy Fire®, to support that collective spiritual development.

("holy" indicates "wholeness" and is not a religious term in this context)

Holy Fire®, like a bonfire at the beach, fosters unity and community - drawing people together to experience the warmth, safety, security, sense of connection and belonging that transcends individual differences … all are welcome ... and together we create the world we want to live in 🌎 ✨ ❤️


Details of the Holy Fire® Healing Immersion, Winter 2023/2024

Key Dates

8 Magical Evenings, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm CST

April 9, 23

May 7, 21

June 4, 18

July 2, 16

A recording will be provided if you cannot attend (these work beautifully - it is what I use, as I cannot participate as I lead :)

Pre-Requisites and Investment

These Healing Experiences are open to Reiki students at any level of training (a wonderful introduction to the unique energy of Holy Fire® 🔥)

For the series of 8 Healings the investment is $375.

(please be in touch to discuss payment plan options)

🌻 Come heal... change... grow, and together, we change the world 🌎 ❤️

Click HERE! Holy Fire® Healing Immersion Series
Please be in touch with any thoughts or questions.

I am happy to discuss if this is the right next step for you. 

❤️ Jeanne

Jeanne Steen

Reiki Master Teacher

Innovative Healer, Teacher, Coach